The International Dyslexia Association Dallas Branch is committed to promoting literacy for individuals with dyslexia and related disorders through advocacy, education and support.
The International Dyslexia Association Dallas Branch envisions a world in which dyslexia and related disorders are not a barrier to literacy.
The Dallas Branch is grateful for the leadership of our past presidents:
Jeanne Brewer
Anna Burton, M.S.
Jone Bycel, M.S., BCET
Nell Carvell
Ginger Cleveland, B.S.
Aylett Cox, QI
Beverly Dooley, Ph.D., LDT, QI
Suzanne Eades, Ph.D., CALT
Susan Fleming, Ph.D.
Georgie Green, QI.
Faye Handlogten
Carole Hill
Leigh Miller, M.S., Educational Diagnostician
Diane Newton, CALT, QI
Lynn Nolan
Pam Quarterman, M.M.S., CCC
Anna Ramey
LaNaye Reid, M.Ed., LDT, CALT
Linda Sharpe, M.S.
Harrian B. Stern, Ph.D., NCED, RPED
Jamie Williams
In the early 1960s in Dallas, the subject of dyslexia was misunderstood. The major medical institution was unsupportive of the work of the new-to-Texas pediatric neurologist, Dr. Lucius Waites, at Scottish Rite Hospital. Through a basic belief in himself and the efficacy of the disorder, Dr. Waites persevered, building parental support and, eventually, acceptance in the medical community. Aylett Cox joined Dr. Waites in the mid 1960s in developing the Alphabetic Phonics program that was promoted through the hospital; children attended classes at the hospital, and individuals were trained to be therapists. It was amid the transition of acceptance that a group of these Dallas dyslexia pioneers decided to form the Dallas Branch of The Orton Dyslexia Society. The branch was chartered on November 11, 1973. Almost immediately, the national conference was planned for Dallas in 1974 and was organized by Ms. Georgie Green. Ms. Beverly Dooley, now Dr. Dooley, was elected as the branch president in 1975, and she credits the success of the branch to a number of people: Mary Francis Yancy, Jeanne Brewer, Dorsey Brewer, Mary Livingston, Nancy Redington, Peggy Wolf and many others. The branch has conducted business, presented its spring conference, raised money, funded scholarships, offered adult dyslexia support and remedial programs and provided information to the Dallas area on a continuing basis.
It is with great pride that this branch can look at the accomplishments of its members and presidents. Jeanne Brewer established a program at Richland Community College, which provided services to dyslexic students and information to the faculty, as well as wrote a curriculum to teach Master’s and Ph.D. candidates how to use multisensory methods in their classes. Georgie Green helped establish a public school in a Dallas suburb, The Green Elementary School, which addresses the needs of dyslexic students. Dr. Beverly Dooley, after leading the educational program at the Shelton School and Evaluation Center, established her own teacher training academy and a school for children with dyslexia, Southwest Academy. Jamie Williams developed a therapist training program at Southern Methodist University through the Continuing Education Department and led the way in establishing the Academic Language Therapist Association, a register of trained therapists that serves as a resource to the community and which advocates for certification of those who provide remediation to dyslexic people. Ms. Carole Hill, former director of the educational program at the Dean Learning Center, established an early childhood program at the Shelton School, then founded and directed Oak Hill Academy, a school for students who have speech-language disorders, dyslexia and related disorders.
The Dallas IDA appreciates any contributions or input that you have into our history. Throughout 40+ years of involvement at both the local and International level, it is absolutely possible that some information has been unintentionally omitted. Please let us know if you have any insights or anecdotes via email.
Portions of this History were pulled from:
Fleming, Susan (1999). Dallas branch. Dyslexia…Samuel T. Orton and his legacy.
Marcia K. Henry, Ph.D., & Susan G. Brickley (Eds). Baltimore, Maryland:
The International Dyslexia Association.
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